Fence Post Farm
Many of the school horses are avaiable for leases. This allows additional riding time for the student and also provides an experience more similar to horse ownership than just taking lessons. There are various leasing options available at Fence Post Farm.

Partial Lease
1 day per week = $100/month
2 days per week = $200/month
3 days per week = $300/month
"Lease Rides" can be used to sharpen skills learned during lessons, trail ride or just pleasure ride.
The rider is responsible for catching, grooming, and tacking the horse as well as returning him/her to the stall or field post-ride.
One lesson per week (not included in lease fee) is required.
Full Lease- $550/month
Fence Post Farm offers full leases for select horses.
A full lease provides the lessee with a "Horse Ownership" experience without the added expenses and commitment.
The lessee is responsible for paying the board cost ($550/month) but is not responsible for other expenses (farrier, teeth, vet, etc).
The rider is responsible for catching, grooming, and tacking the horse as well as returning him/her to the stall or field post-ride.
One lesson per week (not included in lease fee) is required.